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报告题目:Target-aware Holistic Influence Maximization Computing over Large            

Social Networks



  人:李建新 教授 博士生导师


Social media has become an emerging platform for organizations to broadcast their policies, for companies to advertise their products, and for people to propagate their opinions. In the social media data analytics, one of the most significant problems is the influence maximization problem. Given a social network and a campaign budget, the goal of influence maximization problem is to identify a set of influential users that are most likely to influence the maximum number of users in the social network. Meanwhile, the selected user set size is limited to the specified campaign budget. Thus, the small set of selected users can help campaign organizers to improve their marketing, branding, and product adoption in a profitable way.

At this seminar, Jianxin will first introduce some background knowledge about social influence and the traditional influence maximization problem, and then briefly overview his recent research on the problem from different perspectives – topic-aware, location-aware, community-aware and target-aware, published in TKDE’16, WWW’17, TKDE’17, ICDE’17, and ICDE’18 and PAKDD’18. After that, he will mainly present his latest research – target-aware holistic influence maximization work that was published in ICDE’18. At this part, Jianxin will explain the motivation of the novel problem, its new insights, the procedure of defining the problem in an easy way, the optimization techniques in solving the problem, and the experimental evaluations.

The main goal in presenting this seminar is to help audiences to know and understand the different applications of social influence in need, how the influence models are devised, the existing research challenges and one state-of-the-art work in this topic. This presentation is suitable to a broad audience who have interest in data science.


Dr Jianxin Li is an A/Professor in the School of IT, Deakin University. His research interests include social computing, query processing and optimization, and big data analytics. He has published 70 high quality research papers in top international conferences and journals, including PVLDB, IEEE ICDE, ACM WWW, IEEE ICDM, EDBT, ACM CIKM, IEEE TKDE, and ACM WWW. His professional service can be identified by different roles in academic committees, e.g., the technical program committee members in ACM SIGMOD, PVLDB, AAAI, PAKDD, IEEE ICDM, and ACM CIKM; the journal reviewer in IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, WWW Journal and VLDB Journal; the proceeding chairs in DASFAA 2018, ADMA 2016 and ADC 2015; and the program committee chair in the International Workshop on Social Computing 2017 and 2018; the tutorial chair in the 26th International Conference on WWW 2017; and the guest editors in international journals, such as Computational Intelligence, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Complexity, Data Science and Engineering.

关于澳大利亚 迪肯大学世界排名情况说明

李建新博士目前就职于澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University)计算机学院,终身副教授。根据2018年上海交通大学高等教育研究院的《世界大学学术排名》,迪肯大学在世界大学排名中位列第201位,在澳大利亚全国大学中位列第10位,请参考排名网址[1]。迪肯大学在QS 2018 世界大学排名中位列第293位,请参考排名网址[2]。迪肯大学计算机专业在《世界大学学术排名》与QS专业排名中均位列世界前150名,在澳大利亚全国大学计算机专业位列第11位。

[1] http://www.shanghairanking.com/ARWU2018.html

[2] http://www.universityrankings.com.au/qs-australian-rankings.html